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Financial services

 Department of Finance and Capital Market Research Center of Nankai University with the formation of high-quality financial research and development team and service team, for financial institutions, medium-sized enterprises tailor-made structured legal framework for investment and financing solutions that provide transaction framework design and implementation of the law services, providing the legal framework for the design and implementation of wealth management services to high net worth clients legal. In high-end financial and business development support to drive the development of financial financial affairs department, and gradually formed to provide financial institutions and high net worth clients legal services based on risk prevention and control, financial innovation as the core competitiveness of legal services, covering corporate life cycle and all domestic and foreign investment and financing activities of legal services for the target system.
Lawyers from the two finance professors, 4 doctors (after), 10 master's degrees composition, these lawyers have graduate schools at home and abroad as finance, management, international trade and complex legal background, and have participated in major financial innovation projects , experience in financial services law, and fluent in English legal services. Customers in the financial section of the areas of banking, trust, securities, insurance, investment funds, listed companies, third-party financial institutions. Finance Ministry gradually in banking, trust business, industry and buyout funds, securities market innovative business, "going out" the area of ​​international financial services, finance and financial criminal litigation form the core team of lawyers, a classic case of products and services in these areas It has the capacity of legal services a higher level of domestic.
Department of Finance and Capital Market Research Center of Nankai University with the formation of high-quality financial research and development team and service team, for financial institutions, medium-sized enterprises tailor-made structured legal framework for investment and financing solutions that provide transaction framework design and implementation of the law services, providing the legal framework for the design and implementation of wealth management services to high net worth clients legal. In high-end financial and business development support to drive the development of financial financial affairs department, and gradually formed to provide financial institutions and high net worth clients legal services based on risk prevention and control, financial innovation as the core competitiveness of legal services, covering corporate life cycle and all domestic and foreign investment and financing activities of legal services for the target system.
Business scope
  • Banking
  • Trust business
  • Industry and buyout fund
  • “ ” international financial services
  • Securities market innovation business
  • Criminal finance and financial litigation

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